Monday, 1 October 2007

First Post!

Hello, people this is my first time creating a blog and i feel rather clueless as what to tell you! I have just started my first year at UWIC studying Media Studies and Visual Cultures. I love my new home that is Cardiff! Whoop! Nightlife is amazing, and so are the people. I come from quite a small community in somerset, where everybody knows every ones business. So it feels refreshing to meet so many people with such a wide range of personalities and backgrounds. My main passion in life is music. Not that i can play an instrument or create my own, i just think its the single greatest thing on the planet. I enjoy many genres of music but my favorite would have to be drum and bass, among other types of dance, but the beat has to be hard and fast! I regularly attend dance events and festivals, most notably global gathering 2006, my first global but definitely not my last!

Other interests of mine include film, video games (PlayStation 3 owner, Xbox suck!), and socialising and drinking with friends, or anyone i can find! I chose to do media studies as it was the most interesting subject at a level mainly due to my love of film and other forms of media. I enjoy breaking texts down and looking at why texts are presented in certain ways. It helps you understand the construction of a wide ranges of texts and is not a dos course!!!!

Well that's my first post complete, more to follow but for now, that's all folks!

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