This image shows the lowest priced cola Tesco has to offer. It is priced at 18p. Its packaging features include the familiar Tesco value logo with the blue stripes and red font. The coloring here is basic with most of the label with no colour meaning minimal production costs. Font also takes a basic form whilst the words used are also minamal giving no more infomation than needed. The Tesco value range is available for a large number of products and its interesting that the same font, logo and colour scheme is used throughout. This allows the consumer to identify these products easily. The type of consumer to buy this cola product would be interested in more value products as thier priority is cost rather than quality. The finest products do have thier own logo which is found on all types of product, yet are more individually packaged with different colour schemes to reflect what type of product is being sold and differentiate themselves from the rest. The extra packaging often cotains an image which is trying to tempt the consumer as we can see below.

The main difference here can be identified by the image of a glass of cola on the front which has been photographed whilst the cola is splasing into the glass making it more appealing through hightening the consumers senses and replicating the visual of pouring a glass of cola, which reminds the consumer of sensations experiened whilst drinking cola. This item in particular doesn't contain the 'finest' logo earlier mentioned and shows another high brow price range from Tesco which they have called 'premium'. The product is more than 4 times more expensive than value cola. They still both have the focal point of the word 'Cola' although the visual overshadows this on the premium product. Whilst browsing these products online i found it interesting how when you select a particular product it gives you the option of viewing a cheaper alternative which gives the consumer a heightend sense of autonomy. For tesco however this allows them to offer thier products alongside branded items giving them more independance as a supermarket.
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